Farnham Offices are excited to see the recent activity in the rebirth of the Farnham Chamber of Commerce. The Farnham Chamber has been supporting business in Farnham for over 100 years and to see the recent energy and drive being put into the relaunch of this organisation to support business in Farnham is very exciting.
Indeed many of our office tenants (both short term, long term and tenants of our warehouse units) have been members and contribute in many ways to commerce in Farnham.
There is a wide selection of very active and dynamic businesses located in Farnham, Surrey and to have a central voice to represent businesses is vital. From freelancers through to businesses that have been trading in Farnham for many decades, we stand by the education, networking and training opportunities that the Chamber can give. As well as ensuring business is represented in the current Farnham BID, through the very active Farnham Town Council, the Farnham Society and the Farnham Visitors Council - all very active organisations.
The Farnham Chamber of Commerce has produced a short survey to get your opinions to help influence its direction in 2023. So if you are a tenant of Farnham Offices, are a business that uses our meeting rooms or virtual offices or simply wants to have your say as a business located in Farnham - please complete the short survey (3-4 minutes) that the Chamber have put together.